Tips For Buying And Wearing Steel Toe Boots

20 March 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog


If you need to buy steel toe boots for a new job and you've never worn them before, you may not know what to expect when it comes to feel and comfort. Steel toe boots take getting used to because they don't have as much flexibility as regular work boots. Here are some tips for buying steel toe boots and how to be comfortable wearing them.

Get The Right Fit

You don't want to rush when you're shopping for steel toe boots. Getting the right size is critical. You can use your regular shoe size as a guide, but you may need to go up or down a half size depending on your feet. Your toes shouldn't rub against the shoes. The back of the shoe shouldn't be too snug or loose either. When it comes to steel toe work boots, buying boots that are too big are just as bad as buying ones that are too small when it comes to comfort. The steel toes won't gradually break in like regular shoes do, so the fit you feel in the store is going to last.

Protect Your Feet With Moleskin

You might want to wear moleskin pads on your toes or across the top of your foot where your foot hits the metal when you walk. You can use moleskin to protect these areas until your feet get used to the shoes. Ideally, you can wear the shoes for short intervals for several days until your feet adjust to the feel of wearing steel toe boots. You may also find a gel insole adds to the comfort when wearing these sturdy boots. You can also wear thick socks or socks made for steel toe boots that have cushioning in the toe area and sole.

Buy High-Quality Boots

Steel toe boots are made to protect your feet, so you want to buy the highest quality you can afford. Top-quality shoes also last longer and promote foot health and comfort. Choose shoes made from leather and that have a wide steel toe box. In addition to investing in quality shoes, you should also buy quality socks that provide thick protection and wick away moisture to keep your feet dry. When you wear work boots for job safety, the boots are like additional tools you need for the job. Since you'll be in them all day, quality construction is important.

Buying steel toe boots for comfort is the top priority, but it doesn't mean you have to sacrifice looks. You'll have a range of styles to choose from and different colors too. Wearing steel toe boots is important in many types of jobs as they could protect your toes from a serious injury. You can enjoy the protection they provide in comfort when you buy high-quality shoes in the right size and take time to get used to wearing them before working in them all day long. Contact a company, like Industrial Shoe Company, for more help.